Monday, February 23, 2015

Horse Work

Most people use horses for pleasure, such as riding and competition. They don't normally use them for draft work anymore but there are people who still do.
Draft horses are capable of pushing and/or pulling different things. The term "draft" derives from the word draught, which means to pull. Some of the basic things they do is plow fields, pull carts, and just overall work.

Some of the most common draft breeds are:
  • American Creams
  • Clydesdales
  • Belgians
  • Friesians
  • Shires
 Here is a video of a couple draft horses at work.
 This isn't much but is there anything anyone would like to add?

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Western vs. English

 Western Riding
Western Riding is generally one handed. The equipment needed for the style of riding is: Western stock saddle, a blanket or saddle pad, Western bridle and bit, Western boots/hat, long-sleeved shirt or blouse, and long pants. Some optional equipment for this style of riding is: leg boots, spurs, and chaps.
A Western Horse tends to be compact. They are capable of steady travel all day with small bursts of speed when needed.

Some of the common sports that Western Riders partake in include:
  • Team Penning
  • Cutting
  • Reining
  • Speed Games
  • Trail Classes
  • Pleasure and Equitation Classes
  • Roping
  • Trail Riding
English Riding
  Unlike Western Riding, English riding is generally two handed. It takes many of its traditions and equipment from European mounted military styles. Equipment includes: traditional style "Hunt Cap" or helmet, fitted jacket, shirt, Jodhpurs or breeches, Jodhpur boots or tall boots, gloves, and English saddle/bridle.
English horses tend to be taller than Western horses. Many of them are leggy. This aids their ability to travel over long distances at a variety of speeds. It also aids in jumping over various obstacles.

Some of the common sports that English Riders partake in include:
  • Dressage
  • English or English Country Pleasure
  • Jumping
  • Hunting
  • Mounted Games
  • Polo
  • Hunter Pace
  •  Trail Riding
  • Endurance Riding
  • Competitive Trail Riding
  • Competitive Mounted Orienteering
  • Some local shows contain a mixture of both Western and English Classes
Horse Gaits
  • ·         The walk is similar for both styles.
  • ·         Western riders sit a jog, which is very smooth, relaxed, and slightly faster than a walk.
o   There is no posting required.

  • ·         English riders post the Trot.
o   This is only if a sitting trot is not required in the show ring.

  • ·         A lope for Western riders is a slow relaxed canter.
  • ·         Canter for English riders can be elevated, extended, or collected with many variations in speed.
o   This depends on the specific discipline or style.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Horsing Through Time

Are you a dog lover? Cat lover? or just an animal lover in general? I myself am an animal lover in general. I love all animals, including the stinky ones. One of my all time favorite animals is the horse.

Horses have been around for a very long time. It is estimated that the first horse was domesticated between 2000 B.C and 4500 B.C.
Originally humans saw horses as a source of food. They used horses for meat and milk. As time slowly went by, horses were used more for transportation and draft work (pulling or pushing carts, wagons, etc.) Though some countries still used horses as a source of food.

Nowadays horses are used for things other than a source of food, though there are still some underdeveloped countries that still do. Normally horses are used for pleasure, sports, companionship, draft work, and much more.
As human society progressed, horses were bred for specific purposes. With this, horse breeds began to take shape. Today, the top seven horse breeds include:
  1. Arabians
  2. Quarter Horse
  3. Paint
  4. Miniature
  5. Thoroughbred
  6. Appaloosa
  7. Morgan
Obviously horses have been around for a very long time. They provided us with food and companionship. For some people this is their lives. I personally know some people whose lives involve horses. The horse has slowly made its way through time and into our hearts.

Thoughts? Opinions? Ideas involving horses?